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Dem Party Falls Into Complete Chaos

You know things are bad when this happens.



REPORT: The Democratic Party is in chaos—Michael Moore has turned on Joe Biden, and Bernie Sanders might abandon ship.

Moore blasted Biden’s warmongering, saying, “Seriously? This is your legacy? This is how you want to go out? In a blaze of horror? Like, if Joe’s got to go, we all got to go with him? Right into World War Three?”

“We’re hearing rumblings in Democrat circles that it’s gotten so bad that Bernie Sanders is thinking about officially leaving and starting a third party,” @JesseBWatters reported.

Dem strategist James Carville says that Democrats don’t even know where the freaking light switch is.

“People will call me and say, ‘Do this or do that.’ But I’m trying to find the light switch here, dude, and I can’t—the wall is blank right now. But I’m—It’s—we are fooling around in the dark here. That I know.”

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