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Nearly HALF of the World’s Adult Population Has Anti-Semitic Views

Wow. Just, wow.



This article originally appeared on Slightly Offensive and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Earl Gray

20% of respondents worldwide had not heard about the Holocaust. And close to half thought that the Holocaust was historically inaccurate.

According to a new survey from the ADL, nearly half of the world’s population hold anti-Semitic views. The worst culprits being those based in Eastern Europe and the Middle East and North Africa.

The ADL surveyed 58,000 adults from 103 countries and territories, representing 94 percent of the global adult population. These people were shown 11 statements about Jewish people and asked to rank them from “definitely true” to “definitely not true.” Here are some of the statements from the survey:

  1. Jews’ loyalty is only to Israel
  2. Jews have too much power in the business world
  3. Jews have a lot of irritating faults
  4. Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust
  5. Jews don’t care what happens to anyone but their own kind
  6. Jews have too much control over global affairs
  7. Jews have too much control over the country’s government
  8. Jews think they are better than other people
  9. Jews have too much control over the media
  10. Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars
  11. People hate Jews because of the way Jews behave

The most interesting find from the ADL survey was that 20 percent of respondents worldwide had not heard about the Holocaust. And close to half thought that the Holocaust was historically inaccurate.

The statement that most people believed (56%) was that “Jews’ loyalty is only to Israel.” The statement that was the least thought true was “Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars.”

Surprisingly, the statement “Jews have too much control over the media” was less believed than “Jews have too much power in the business world.” Maybe it’s because the media trope has caused a lot of controversy in the past. Although, Jews themselves admit the media is mostly controlled by Jewish individuals – just that they are not working in coordination with each other.

Of course, the ADL will not be using the findings of their survey to self-reflect on the actions of the Jewish community or Israel, but instead to call anyone who holds these views as anti-Semitic.

Here we have Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, speaking out against the ADL’s report of ‘skyrocketing’ antisemitism. He should be speaking out against the skyrocketing rates of cancer and heart attacks.

It’s interesting that the ADL didn’t bother to explain whether the so-called anti-Semitic claims were true or not. No one can question the claims they make without being branded an antisemite. Candace Owens was awarded “Anti-Semite of the Year” for simply questioning the actions of Israel.

It seems like the rising anti-Semitism, if such a thing even exists, can probably be attributed to the state of Israel and the actions of Jewish individuals in the public eye.

Just a few examples from the last year: AIPAC handlers in congress, the firing of Candace Owens, ‘Christ is King’, rabbi Shmuley, the USS Liberty story, people exposing the Talmud, Jewish opinions of Jesus and Christians, the persecution of Christians in Ukraine, Israel bombing Gaza and killing civilians, and so on.

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