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SURPRISE! Special Counsel Jack Smith & His Prosecution Team Are Actually a Bunch of Incompetent Screwups!

If you’ve been paying attention to Smith’s mishandling of both the DC & Palm Beach cases against The Teflon Don, this will not surprise you.



“Damn, I almost had him…! I don’t suppose I can have a mulligan?”

By Brian Cates

I realize there’s this fantasy persona that the Fake News Media has created for Special Counsel Jack Smith and his supposedly crack prosecution team.

A lot of time, effort, and resources were expended in creating this public perception of Smith as an incorruptible crime fightin’ prosecutor who was simply PERFECT, like, right from central casting or something, for the oh-so-very-important job of bringing Donald J. Trump to justice at last, and sending him to prison! Not to mention PREVENTING Trump from becoming the 47th US President!

Yes indeed, CIA-affiliated propaganda media outlets cleverly disguised for some decades now as ‘news organizations’ have spent the last two and a half years presenting Smith and prosecutors on his team like Jay Bratt as some super-competent, always-get-their-man, courtroom grand masters fully in command of their game, etc., etc.

He was already being feted and lauded in some Deep State-controlled circles as if he’d already hung Trump’s orange scalp on his belt. All Hail The Man Who ‘Got’ That Insufferable Donald J. Trump At Last!

As with the Mueller Special Counsel, the Left once again has convinced itself that Trump is doomed and the walls are closing in!

However, the reality is far different from the fiction.

Should anyone have turned off the Fake News and dug into both D.C. and the Palm Beach case filings by following real news reporters and commentators like Jonathan Turley, Julie Kelly, Tracy Beanz, Robert Barnes, or Viva Frei, people who aren’t propaganda mouthpieces but who actually know the law and/or how the court system works, they’d have learned long ago how Smith was stupidly scoring own goals against himself, making key mistakes and boneheaded moves one after another.

He did that by delaying important filings, and shoving important issues that needed to be addressed before the trials could start off into the future while doing his best to not only hide exactly how he built his supposed ‘air-tight’ case against Trump, from the defendant’s defense lawyers but also from the judge who was going to preside over the trial.

It was this last big honking mistake that has proven to be Smith’s undoing in the classified documents case against Trump in Florida: demanding that Palm Beach judge Aileen Cannon leave redacted key documents in his case so even Judge Cannon would have no idea what those documents showed before the trial began.

That Special Counsel Smith actually seemed to believe he could talk Judge Cannon into this is stunning.

“Judge, whaddya mean you’re NOT going to let me keep totally redacted how my classified documents case against Trump was built with help from the Biden White House, the National Archives, and the General Services Administration?!”

Prosecutors routinely ask to hide key evidence from the defense lawyers before the trial begins. Nothing unusual about that. They’re often overruled unless there are special circumstances.

But here, it seems like Smith was asking Cannon to approve hiding the contents of key documents from HERSELF as well before the trial commenced.

Cannon, of course, turned his request to leave these documents redacted from the defense and from herself. She unsealed the documents, and then all Hell broke loose as it became clear exactly what Smith was attempting to keep under wraps until the trial had commenced.

That the Biden White House, the National Archives, and the General Services Administration among other several other players, had coordinated together to manufacture a classified documents case against Trump. Including the very well-publicized raid on Trump’s home in Mar A Lago and the doctored photo that was leaked to the press to drive the narrative that Trump had been caught red-handed.

Once Judge Cannon figured out that Smith had been lying to the court for going on two years now about the handling of the supposedly ‘classified’ documents, where they documents came from, and if they’d been altered or tampered with since the chain of custody began for the legal case, I’m going out on a limb here and saying she was not amused.

On top of forcing Smith to reveal exactly how this corrupt case against Trump was manufactured, she’s now also scrapped the May 20 trial start date and has said she’s not setting another trial date until she’s done reaming Smith and his team a new asshole.

Oh, pardon my French there. I mean to type “…once she’s finished making sure everything is in order and there are no remaining outstanding pretrial issues.”



It’s only now…[NOW!]…starting to dawn on the corrupt Deep State denizens of that smelly awful swamp we call ‘Washington DC’ that Smith is NOT, in fact, going to be sending Donald Trump to prison for supposedly illegally retaining classified materials.

Not only is the Palm Beach case not going to trial before this November’s election, but Smith’s other case targeting Trump in D.C. is also currently dead in the water until later this summer when the US Supreme Court will finally get around to addressing several issues about presidential immunity that Smith incompetently decided not to bring up until earlier this year.

It was known all along due to the nature of Smith’s case against Trump for January 6, that whether or not Trump has immunity for actions he took on that fateful day was going to have to be resolved. And yet for a year and a half, Smith took no action to address it. For some inexplicable reason, he waited until early January of this year to take the issue to the DC Court of Appeals. The issue of immunity was then sent to the Supreme Court in late February. SCOTUS heard oral arguments from both sides on April 25th and will issue its ruling at the end of the current term.

So there’s now also no chance that Smith can bring the January 6 case to trial before the November election either.

Of course, the Fake News just can’t come right out and admit this after two-plus years of getting their audiences’ hopes up that they were going to see Trump in a jail cell before he was elected the 47th US President. This bitter truth has to be broken to the audience still trapped in the Matrix in a way that doesn’t cause too much of a backlash for propaganda outlets struggling with credibility problems.

I have no doubt whatsoever that in the propaganda rooms of CBS News, ABC News, CNN, NBC, etc., they’re all sitting around furiously brainstorming how they’re going to spin this to those who still hope to see Trump convicted and sent off to the hoosegow.

We’ll probably see something along the lines of “Of course, Jack Smith is going to send that criminal Donald Trump to prison! It’s just gonna take a bit longer than we would like, that’s all since this biased and corrupt judge just delayed the trial indefinitely!”

So what the faithful who hate Trump and want to see him taken down are left with is…the stupid ‘hush money’ trial in New York City. Which is also not going well. Just the other day, porn star Stormy Daniels admitted on the stand under oath to the jury she’s looking for a big payday. Oops!

It’s understandable that people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome are a little irritable these days after more than two years of being repeatedly assured by the same vapid talking heads on their TV that Trump is doomed for sure this time!

The lawfare strategy probably looked like a winner on paper three years ago when its planners first drew it up. However, it appears the chief people they enlisted for the execution of the strategy have not been up to the task of nailing the Teflon Don to the wall.

Aw gee.

Life goes on!

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