Our Pledge to you
In an era of AI, spin, distortion and straight up fake news, it is difficult for the discerning consumer of media to know what they can or can’t trust. We at VNN vow to change that. We vow to do better.
We will not promise to be first – but we will promise to get it right, and when we don’t get it right, we will admit we got it wrong.
We will not manipulate facts to suit a narrative, we will not ignore stories that don’t fit our world view, and we will not use tools like AI to distort what is real.
We will put a premium on investigative journalism and will make every effort to independently verify claims and substantiate stories.
We will put developing sources and networks of hard-working journalists above the non-stop chatter of talking heads.
We know the American people have lost faith in the media, and rightfully so. We know the average American treats the media with scorn and that scorn is duly earned. But the truth is that we need the media. We need a functioning media – committed to delivering facts – to inform American voters, American citizens and American consumers. We trust the American people to decide what is right – it is not the job of the media to tell people what they should believe, it is the job of the media to inform.
We believe we can embark on another golden era of journalism, we believe that media can work and we are out to prove it.
Join us. Stay informed. Stay vigilant.