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Vince Everett Ellison: ‘The Way You Get Power Is by Feminizing Men’

Exposing the Dark Underbelly of the Civil Rights Movement



Vince Everett Ellison pulls back the curtain on the civil rights movement, exposing how “all those communists and Marxists got involved with all these counterculture people, the feminist.”

Their ultimate goal? Power. As Ellison reveals, “the way you get power is by that is about feminizing men,” with the LGBTQ movement serving as a key weapon in their arsenal.

“Civil rights movement, man. All those communists and Marxists got involved with all these counterculture people, the feminist. And they wanted power. And the way you get power is by that is about feminizing men.”

Ellison paints a disturbing picture of the Black Panthers, describing them as “horrible people” who were “selling dope on the street” and “fighting and beating women,” with shocking examples like “Huey Newton beat Bobby Seale with a bull whip.”

He draws alarming comparisons between the exploitation of black protesters and the tactics of Hamas, using “suicide bombers” and “Hitler Youth” as “shock troops” to advance their cause, while those in power “setting up in Beverly Hills and in Manhattan, drinking their little, you know, tequilas and whatnot.”

The feminist movement, Ellison argues, was never about liberation but rather “a Marxist construct” aimed at “destroying the family,” with devastating consequences:

“The black family got destroyed behind. And now white families going down to in America is in a desperate man.”

As Ellison reflects on Abraham Lincoln’s prophetic words, “We must live as free men or die by suicide,” he warns that America is “committing suicide in real time” by allowing these destructive forces to “take out God driving mad and help us destroying one another.”

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