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Cancer Doctor Suggests Foods to Eat, and Not to Eat

Dr. Mom was right, after all.



(Note: The information provided here, or any related communications is for informational purposes only. Everyone’s health needs are unique. Check with your physician as to the benefits of adding whole fruits and vegetables to your diet. Vigilant News Network benefits from purchases made through our sponsors.)

heart shaped bowl with fruits and vegetables

The most effective dietary approach to reducing cancer risk, according to a cancer doctor, is to adopt a plant-based diet focusing on fruits and vegetables rather than meats and processed foods.

Why The Dramatic Increase in US Cancer Rates?

In a published review, Cancer specialist Andre Goy, M.D., estimates that more than half of all cancers are preventable with nutrition and lifestyle changes. That observation is supported by the American Cancer Society’s report that at least 18% of cancer cases are related to poor nutrition and lifestyle. Specifically, the doctor states the most effective dietary approach to reducing cancer risk is to adopt a plant-based diet focusing on fruits and vegetables rather than meats and processed foods 

Dr. Mom Was Right Afterall

Most of us grew up being lovingly nagged to (hear mom’s voice here) ‘eat your fruits and vegetables’. It was hard then, it’s way harder now with our hectic lifestyles and daily drive-through diets, highly addictive processed foods, excess sugar, and fat. You needn’t look further to understand what may be driving exploding rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Okay… yes, we all know we should eat healthier and get 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. BUT WE DON’T and we probably won’t. Few of us has that kind of time and will. Take heart… because that’s where a doctor-formulated fruit and vegetable organic superfood called Field of Greens is making a healthy difference in the lives of countless Americans.

Not All Fruit and Vegetable Products Are Created Equal 

Unlike the others, Each fruit and vegetable in Field of Greens was medically selected for its specific health benefits. Some support vital organs like heart, lungs, and kidneys. Others support metabolism for healthy energy and weight loss. But unquestionably, each provides exceptional nutritional value and satisfies our body’s need for healthy fruits and vegetables daily. 

A broccoli and beets next to a knife

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Dr. Ryan Greene, M.D., shared the reason he relies on Field of Greens to help keep him healthy and why it is so unique. He observed, while other fruit and vegetable products claim healthy benefits, when you check into how they are made, you understand the difference. While others use diluted (non-organic common produce) fruit and vegetable extracts, Field of Greens uses the whole organic fruit and vegetable. Extracts are cheaper because they are watered-down in a process that strips much of their nutritional value. Field of Greens uses the whole fruit and vegetable, so it retains the healthy, healing nutrients nature intended.

What Can You Expect From Field of Greens?

Dr. Greene, M.D. shared that, like himself, you will probably feel an immediate change in energy and a general sense of well-being and just feeling healthier. Thereafter, you may notice healthier-looking skin, along with less brittle nails and hair. That’s the nutritional values kicking in. But it’s the Better Health Promise that impressed him most. Understand that no health products, diets, or exercise regimens can guarantee an illnesses free life. You can, however, hedge your bets by controlling what you can control — healthier nutrition. To that point, only Field of Greens promises that after taking the product for at least 60-days, and at your next doctor visit, your doctor will comment on your improved health or your money back.  

Your VNN Special Offer

Brickhouse Nutrition is a proud sponsor of Vigilant News Network and is pleased to offer you a special 15% discount and free shipping with your Field of Greens order with promo code VNN or any of the other exceptional, doctor created healthy products. CLICK HERE, or visit for this limited time offer. See website for Better Health Promise details. 

Click here to go to and use promo code VNN for 15% off.




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