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Chinese Invaders at Southern Border Up 6,000%: Beijing Refuses to Repatriate

Is the CCP using Biden’s weak border security to infiltrate the US?



This week’s report from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reveals a startling 6,000% increase in encounters with Chinese illegal immigrants at the southern border. This unprecedented rise in numbers, highlighted by Adam Shaw of Fox News, has set new records for Chinese border apprehensions, marking a significant shift in the demographic patterns of illegal immigration into the United States. This information serves as a foundational element in understanding the broader implications of border security challenges currently facing the U.S.

The recent 6,000% surge in Chinese illegal immigrants at the U.S. southern border is raising alarms, not just for its sheer volume but for its implications. There are growing concerns among U.S. officials and policymakers that this unprecedented increase is not merely a migration trend but a strategic maneuver by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to infiltrate the United States with individuals who could potentially further Beijing’s geopolitical goals and interests.

Exploiting U.S. Vulnerabilities

The timing of this surge coincides with what many critics describe as the Biden Administration’s failure to secure the southern border effectively. This perceived weakness has reportedly provided an opportune moment for the CCP to exploit, allowing a significant number of Chinese nationals to enter the U.S. illegally, undetected, and potentially unchecked.

Beijing’s Refusal to Cooperate

Compounding the issue is Beijing’s steadfast refusal to accept the repatriation of these individuals, a stance that not only violates international norms but also creates a significant barrier to resolving the crisis. This refusal suggests a possible tacit endorsement or strategic use of these migrations by the CCP to create diplomatic tensions and challenge U.S. immigration controls.

Potential Motives

The motives behind this alleged strategy could be manifold:

  1. Espionage and Surveillance: By sending individuals who can remain in the U.S. indefinitely, China could enhance its intelligence capabilities.
  2. Economic Leverage: Individuals working under the radar in the U.S. could contribute to China’s economic agenda.
  3. Influence Operations: The diaspora could be used to conduct influence operations aimed at swaying public opinion or policy in favor of China.

Implications for U.S. National Security

The potential for these immigrants to be used by the CCP as tools of soft power and espionage presents a grave national security risk. The inability to control and monitor these entries not only undermines U.S. law but also provides Beijing with a continuous, unobstructed conduit into the heart of America.

Urgent Call for Action

The situation calls for an immediate and robust response from the U.S. government. Strengthening border security is a clear starting point, but addressing the broader issue of diplomatic and trade relations with China is equally crucial. The U.S. must also improve its intelligence and surveillance capabilities to monitor and counteract any potential threats arising from this influx.


As the Biden Administration grapples with the complexities of an ineffective border policy, the implications of a possibly orchestrated move by the CCP to exploit these vulnerabilities are profound. The U.S. must recognize and respond to these strategic maneuvers with a comprehensive strategy that secures its borders and protects its national interests. This situation is a stark reminder that immigration is not just a policy issue but a significant element of national security.

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