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COVID Vaccine Nightmare Confirmed by Dr. Peter McCullough

Another ‘conspiracy theory’ becomes reality.



“The [COVID] vaccines will drop the chances of getting pregnant,” renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough declared in a recent interview.

The available data is disturbing.

Dr. McCullough reports, “There are now several manuscripts by [Dr. James] Thorp and colleagues indicating that women who take the vaccine, particularly during pregnancy, have a much higher rate of having a miscarriage or stillbirth, as well as premature delivery.”

There was also a “fourfold increased risk of birth defects” in a small Pfizer clinical of vaccinating women.

“Broadly, the vaccines interfere with the female menstrual cycle,” Dr. McCullough says.

A systematic review by Nazir and colleagues looked at 14 studies with over 78,000 vaccinated women. They discovered that 52.05% of women had menstrual issues after COVID vaccination.

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