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Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies Before Coronavirus Select Subcommittee

This is Fauci’s first public testimony since December 22.



Dr. Anthony Fauci testified before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on June 3, 2024. This hearing marks his first public testimony since retiring from government service in December 2022. The subcommittee, led by House Republicans, investigated Fauci’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the origins of the virus, with a particular focus on allegations of misconduct and attempts to evade public records laws.


Senator Rand Paul has been vocal about his concerns regarding Fauci and his former aide, Dr. David Morens.

In a recent statement on Fox News, Paul emphasized the gravity of the allegations, stating:

“Our investigation has confirmed that he [Fauci] did indeed lie. He committed a felony. He said that they did not fund, that the NIH did not fund gain of function, dangerous research in China. We now know that to be untrue. We know he committed a felony. But what we’ve discovered now is that there was a massive cover up from the very beginning” .

Paul further elaborated on the alleged cover-up efforts, mentioning:

“There was a behind the scenes effort to change the opinion of people. Many of the people, many of the Fauci colleagues, all believed that the virus did come from the lab. Their opinions were all changed, but then all evidence was then covered up. They began using burner phones, they began using couriers. They said, we can’t do things electronically. I can take things by hand to his house” .

The subcommittee’s investigation has also scrutinized emails and communications suggesting that Fauci’s aides, including Morens, attempted to circumvent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by using personal email accounts and deleting records. These actions have raised significant concerns about transparency and accountability within the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Fauci led for 38 years.

Clips from today’s testimony (stay tuned for updates):

Dr. Fauci Gives Opening Remarks Before Coronavirus Select Subcommittee

“Let me state for the record that to the best of my knowledge, I have never conducted official business using my personal email.”

If this is true, it’s only because he used burner phones and personal couriers instead.

Rand Paul previously stated: “There was a behind-the-scenes effort to change people’s opinion. Many of the people, many of the Fauci colleagues, all believed that the virus did come from the lab. Their opinions were all changed, but then all evidence was then covered up. They began using burner phones, they began using couriers. They said, ‘We can’t do things electronically. I can take things by hand to his house.’”

Dr. Fauci breaks down into tears discussing personal death threats.

He says, “Every time someone gets up and says, I’m responsible for the death of people throughout the world, the death threats go up.”

REP DINGELL: How do you feel?

FAUCI: “Terrible.”

REP DINGELL: “Do you continue to receive threats today?”

FAUCI: “Yes, I do. Every time someone gets up and says, I’m responsible for the death of people throughout the world, the death threats go up.”

Dr. Fauci DEFENDS every single bad COVID policy he pushed.

“Vaccines save lives.”

Dr. Fauci still defends:

  • Business closures
  • Church closures
  • School closures
  • Stay-at-home orders
  • Mask mandates for adults
  • Mask mandates for children
  • Mask mandates for children under five in the face of no scientific evidence for doing so
  • Vaccine mandates for employees, students, and military, despite failure to stop transmission

Marjorie Taylor Greene confronts Fauci on “disgusting and evil” experiments on beagles.

These experiments, signed off by Fauci, included injecting and force-feeding the puppies with experimental drugs, infesting them with ticks, and placing them in cages with infectious sandflies.

“As a dog lover, I want to tell you, this is disgusting and evil what you signed off on.”

“Americans don’t pay their taxes for animals to be tortured like this.”

Greene also denounced Fauci on:

  • Representing “Science”
  • Making up 6ft social distancing rules
  • Masking children
  • NIH scientists receiving $710 million in royalties from drug makers

Dr. Fauci blames the unvaccinated for being “responsible” for an “additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country [USA].”

He cited the work of Peter Hotez, the vaccinologist who declined a $2.6 million offer to debate RFK Jr., to make this claim.

“Some have done studies. Peter Hotez has done an analysis of this and shows that in people who refuse to get vaccinated for any variety of reasons, probably responsible for an additional 200,000 to 300,000 deaths in this country.”

Dr. Fauci defends draconian lockdowns because if we “let it rip,” then “another million people would have died.”

Fauci claims The Great Barrington Declaration, which advocated for focused protection of vulnerable populations instead of widespread lockdowns, was “flawed” and “invalid.”

Fauci has few words when confronted about his shameful remarks on vaccine mandates.

He previously called objections to vaccine mandates “ideological bullshit.”

Now, he’s saying he didn’t mean it like that.

Jim Jordan Appears That He Has Successfully TRAPPED Fauci Into Lying Under Oath

“I said eleven seconds,” Jordan remarked with a big grin while giving a wink to a colleague.

Jordan asked, “Do you [Fauci] agree that there was a push to downplay the lab leak theory?”

Fauci said, “Not on my part,” which is an apparent LIE under oath.

According to information released by House Republicans, Dr. Fauci prompted the drafting of a scientific paper titled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” which aimed to debunk the lab leak hypothesis.

This paper was later cited by Fauci to support the theory that the virus had a natural origin.

Rand Paul has criticized Fauci for these actions, suggesting that there was a deliberate attempt to suppress the lab leak theory due to potential conflicts of interest related to NIH funding of research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology through EcoHealth Alliance​.

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