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Ex-CDC Director: “There WILL Be a Bird Flu Pandemic”

He really said this.



The bird flu chilling forecast on NewsNation, Dr. Robert Redfield, the former CDC Director, has warned that a bird flu pandemic is not just a possibility but an imminent reality.

He suggested that bird flu “could make COVID look like a little pandemic” and that “it’s not a question of if, it’s more of a question of when.”

Redfield’s ominous prediction painted a grim picture of what’s ahead. “It’s going to be quite complicated,” he stated because “bird flu has, when it does enter humans, a significant mortality, probably somewhere between 25% and 50% mortality.”


“Once the virus gains the ability to attach to the human receptor and then go human to human, that’s when you’re going to have the pandemic. And as I said, I think it’s just a matter of time.”

Redfield’s alarming statements follow the news that the European Union has secured more than 40 million bird flu “vaccinations.” Whether Redfield is fearmongering or providing an honest assessment is unclear. What is certain, however, is that far too much money is invested in bird flu countermeasures for those who would benefit from another “pandemic” to give up on the power grab and money that comes with it.

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