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Investigative Journalist: Governments Using Food Supply to Control Populations Worldwide

Journalist unveils the global strategy of food control as a political lever.



An investigative journalist, Nate Halverson, uncovers a growing trend of governments and corporations seeking to control global food supplies.

China is at the forefront of this movement as its government is backing the purchase of major food companies and resources worldwide to ensure food security and political stability.

“The Chinese government kind of clued into something before other folks, which is that in the 21st century, food is power… Like you need to control food to control your political future.”

The control of food is increasingly being recognized as a powerful tool for governments to exert control over their populations, as evidenced by the food riots in Venezuela and the preferential treatment given to the military.

“I began going to other countries, where those governments were using the food supply to control the population… I think that’s what people are worried about going forward into the 21st century, is that by controlling the food, you can control the people…”

As citizens piece together the unsettling global trend of using food as a political weapon, the public is beginning to grasp the gravity of the situation.

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