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Is Macron Preparing to Seize Dictatorial Powers in France?

The French president is hoping for chaos to ensue following the elections, allowing him an excuse to suspend democracy.



Image credit: Faces Of The World, Flickr

This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission.

After calling for snap parliamentary elections following the crushing defeat of his party in the European parliamentary elections, the French media is reporting that President Emmanuel Macron is discussing with close advisors the possibility of invoking article 16 of the French Constitution that would allow him to seize dictatorial powers.

The Élysée Palace is hoping for chaos to ensue following the elections, allowing him an excuse to suspend democracy and seize dictatorial power in the country.

Technically, there are two conditions needed to activate article 16 of the French Constitution: an insurrectional threat or the interruption of the regular functioning of public authorities. Either option could be chosen by Macron after these legislative elections. He could then assume dictatorial powers. Given the globalists tendency to label any opposition to their agenda as insurrectionist, or at the very least a threat to the regular functioning of public authorities, the possibility of Macron seizing dictatorial power certainly poses a real threat to French democracy.

In addition, the Constitution does not provide for a maximum duration for the exercise of these exceptional powers; only the Constitutional Council, filled with Marcon allies, can decide, after a 60 day period, whether the President is justified in invoking it. Article 16 has only been used once in the history of the Fifth Republic, in 1961, when General de Gaulle stopped an attempted coup by the military.

Responding to the news, the Leader of the French Partiot Party, Florian Philippot, said the threat posed by Macron is very real. Writing on X, formerly Twitter, the opposition leader said, “This man is crazy, he is capable of anything! What is the ‘opposition’ waiting for, we need to dismiss him before it is too late!”

Because of the public backlash after these reports surfaced, the Élysée Palace announced a public denial, but there is every reason to doubt its veracity.

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