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Kaufmann: K-12 Education is ‘Absolutely Massive’ in Spreading Woke Ideas

Professor unveils the indoctrination shaping young minds.



Eric Kaufmann, a political professor and a lead researcher on the intersection of politics and demography, exposes the covert indoctrination of woke ideology in K-12 education, a force he deems “absolutely massive” in shaping young minds.

“… it’s the scaling up now. It’s in every school. So I did a couple of studies… 90% of 18 to 20-year-old Americans that I interviewed sent a survey that they had encountered at least one critical race theory concept from an adult in school… it’s hitting saturation level…”

Kaufmann contends that the path to countering this ideological onslaught lies in the hands of conservative politicians, who must fearlessly champion the reformation of school curricula as their paramount priority.

“K-12, education, public education is absolutely massive and must become a top priority for certainly conservative politicians. If you want to have a hope in the future. In terms of turning this around, we’ve got to get at K-12. Education.”

The stakes couldn’t be higher, as the future of our society hangs in the balance, with the hearts and minds of the next generation on the line.

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