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“My Retribution is Going to Be Success”: ‘Presidential’ Trump Dominates Stuttering Biden in Debate

Well that backfired on the Democrats…



This article originally appeared on ZeroHedge and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Tyler Durden

Well that backfired on the Democrats…

You know it’s bad when you lose Brian Stelter:

And others…

All the restrictions, all the hiding Biden away, all the bias… and all it did was help Trump and hurt Biden. Former President Trump was forced to be disciplined and precise, as his son noted on X:

President Biden was exposed as a frail old man, stuttering and stumbling through various faux pas…

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence — I don’t think he knows what he said, either.”

…falling back on propaganda lies to attack his opponent.

Whatever he was on, they needed more of it…

…and not just water, Jack!

And against all odds, the CNN moderators were surprisingly good (although there were a couple of very odd cuts early on in the debate as Biden stammered):

There are too many moments of note so we will cherry pick a few here:

He did keep reaching for his ear

Biden repeated the claim that Trump slandered dead veterans, turning to him and saying:

“You’re the sucker, you’re the loser.”

Trump did not rise to the bait and responded calmly.

Biden claimed the border was secure and that Border Patrol endorsed him… they responded

President Biden kept repeating some claim about ‘nazis coming out of the woods holding torches’ and claimed that Trump said “Hitler did some good things.”

Biden on the economy:

“We provided thousands of millions of jobs.”

Oh and Biden claimed he “inherited 9% inflation”… Nope!

On taxes, yes he said it: “fair share”

President Biden claimed that America is the “most admired” nation under him… well no…

Trump was the “grown up” when they discussed Biden’s age and fragility:

Biden: “Look I’d be happy to have a driving contest with him. I got my handicap when I was vice president down to a six. By the way, I told you before I’m happy to play golf with you if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?”

Trump: “That’s the biggest lie, that he’s a six handicap, of all.”

Biden: “I was a eight handicap–“

Trump: “Let’s not act like children.”

Biden: “You are a child.”

Trump’s best line of the night when confronted with the ‘projection’ that he will weaponize the government against his opponents:

“My retribution is going to be success.”

Finally, as Rogan O’Handley noted on X,

And the market knows it, with stocks and the dollar bid and bonds selling off (as Goldman suggested) as PredictIt’s odds soared for Trump and crashed for Biden…

…and cue the excuses for Biden’s performance? A cold or COVID?

Working so much for the American people? Or will we get pure gaslit: “Actually, we think Biden killed it in the debate…and Trump sucked”. But hey if by victory you mean he stood up for 90 minutes, you’re right, well done (well there was a half-time break)

We doubt anyone is falling for that shit…

Paging Gavin Newsom!!

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