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Retired Army Colonel Warns NATO Preparing to Fight Russia with U.S. Troops

Nuclear war may be imminent.



This article originally appeared on Infowars and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Kelen McBreen

According to reports, NATO is working to create several “land corridors” for US troops and equipment to make way to the front lines in case a European ground war with Russia erupts.

“NATO is developing multiple ‘land corridors’ to rush US troops and armor to the front lines in the event of a major European ground war with Russia,” writes the Telegraph.

Touching on the alarming potential this announcement causes an escalation between NATO and Russia, Douglas Macgregor, Col. (ret.) wrote on X Tuesday, “BREAKING: NATO now planning to get US troops to the front-line to fight RUSSIA. What are they thinking? NATO has disclosed its preparations to deploy American troops to the European frontlines in the event of a full-scale conflict with Russia.”

The retired colonel claimed NATO is “bypassing local bureaucratic hurdles” by opening the land corridors and explained they will allow member nations to react to Russian President Vladimir Putin if his military moves West past Ukraine.

With the U.S. recently approving its weapons provided to Ukraine for strikes inside Russian territory, Macgregor also suggested the corridor plans “encompass provisions for potential Russian attacks.”

300,000 NATO troops are reported to be in a state of high readiness in case they need to take action against Russia.

It’s worth noting Joe Biden said in 2021 that placing U.S. troops on the ground to fight Russia is “not on the table.”

Infowars has been warning all year, the cornered global elite may be desperate enough to launch an all-out nuclear war in order to stay in power and defeat the anti-globalist uprising.

Watch Alex Jones’ exclusive interview with Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout below:

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