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RFK Jr. Unveils Allegations of Government Corruption in Latest Campaign Video

The video paints a vivid picture of a democratic process under siege by the powers that be.



Guest post by Overton News

With the aim of bringing attention perceived systemic corruption within the federal government, Robert F. Kennedy has released a new video detailing a litany of allegations against Secretary Mayorkas, the Biden administration, and various federal agencies.

The video, which comes at a time of heightened political tension, paints a vivid picture of a democratic process under siege by the current powers that be.

Kennedy’s accusations revolve around what he describes as a concerted effort to thwart his candidacy through a series of underhanded tactics.

Among these, he highlights the denial of Secret Service protection as a deliberate strategy aimed at draining his campaign funds, excluding him from the ballot, and halting the momentum of his vast political movement.

“Refusing me Secret Service protection is a way to drain my campaign funds and to stop the movement that we’ve been building. And to exclude me from the ballot and disenfranchise Americans. They want us out of the race by any means necessary. This is blatant election interference.”

With the November Presidential election looming, Kennedy stresses the critical need for support from his followers. As the Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline approaches on March 31st, Kennedy urges individuals to contribute to his campaign, framing their donations as essential tools in the fight against government corruption and the preservation of democratic principles shared by all Americans.

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