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The Tucker Carlson & Aaron Rodgers Interview; Highlights and Breakdown

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This article originally appeared on Overton Live and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Overton News

Today, Tucker Carlson aired a comprehensive interview with NFL standout Aaron Rodgers. Throughout the pandemic, the quarterback emerged as a prominent voice critiquing the COVID vaccine, garnering both accolades and criticism from various perspectives on the matter.

The interview also explores topics beyond the pandemic and vaccines, providing insight into Aaron Rodgers as an individual and clarifying his genuine beliefs, distinct from the defaming character portrayals often propagated by the media.

This thread presents key highlights and pivotal moments from their extensive two-hour conversation.

Jimmy Kimmel and Big Pharma’s Influence on Culture

Tucker mentions the well-known Jimmy Kimmel segment where he suggests denying hospital beds to the unvaccinated, effectively wishing death upon them.

Rodgers details a concerted effort by major pharmaceutical companies to embed themselves in the cultural landscape, aiming to boost profits from vaccine sales.

“I think you have to realize that it’s all about the money. And as you get into this, you read Bobby’s book about the real Anthony Fauci, you realize if you want to know what’s really going on, not just in big pharma but in government, is follow the money.”

Rodgers Discusses the Treatment of Unvaccinated NFL Players

In the NFL, there was minimal room for players to opt out of receiving the COVID vaccine. Rodgers explains that players faced severe repercussions if they decided against getting vaccinated, as they diverged from the herd of pro-vax players.

“If you’re working for a team, there was no choice. It was get vaxxed. If you’re a player there was a choice. But if you chose not to get it then you had a whole different set of rules.

You had to wear a different colored armband, you couldn’t go to a restaurant, you couldn’t spend time at somebody’s house with more than three people there, you couldn’t go anywhere on the road, you had to test every single morning and not enter the building until you got a negative back.

That all went away once the playoffs happened.”

Fear Mongering, Censorship and Cancellation

Rodgers discusses the influence wielded by the media and social media throughout the pandemic, diving into their role in amplifying fear and stifling dissenting voices. According to Rodgers, this campaign was driven by a desire for obedience and control, leveraging fear as a powerful tool.

“You had the live death tolls, that were ticking up as you watched the TV. You had the live case numbers. You had just the fear mongering and then anybody that stood up to it was cancelled.”

“Why are we silencing all dissenting opinions? When in the history of the world has censorship ever been done by the good guys?”

“What are you scared of? You’re scared of people being able to make up their own mind?”

Media Portrayal and Character Assassination

Rodgers faced extreme backlash from the media and individuals for his outspoken opposition to the vaccine. He explains how his sponsors came under fire merely for their association with him, due to his stance on the matter.

Tucker asks Rodgers ‘how has the media treated him?’ to which he responds; “a lot character assassinations.”

“When I tested positive for COVID, my whole world changed and people I thought were allies in the media just turned on me. They spammed by sponsors.”

“One of my sponsors who was having a hard time keeping me, said they spammed with 140 million impressions across all social media to get rid of me because of my choice about what I wanted to put in my body.”

In conversations about recent character attacks by the media, particularly when rumors circulated about Rodgers potentially being considered as a VP pick for RFK Jr., Rodgers suggests that it all boils down to his refusal to comply with mainstream narratives.

“I’m not beholden to anybody. I’m dangerous to them because I speak my mind. You know, I’m not cliche-ridden, obedient, star athlete. I speak my mind. I’m a loose cannon to them.”

Tucker asks Rodgers why he goes against the grain? Would it not be easier for him just to collect the accolades and keep his views private?

“I love this country and I believe in this country. I believe in people too much to just be quiet about things that seem so obvious to me.”

Alphabet Agencies

Rodgers touches on the fundamental problems within agencies like the CIA, FBI, CDC, WHO, and FDA, discussing how these organizations often work in ways that are contrary to the interests of the American people.

“There’s a top line in a lot of those organizations that are actually at their core anti-American and are not doing things that’s in the best interest of our people and we’re f*cking paying them!”

Rodgers provides examples of how since 9/11, these agencies have expanded their authority to act against American citizens, often at the expense of trampling on individual freedoms.

“All the stuff that’s happened post-9/11, you know with the Patriot Act and the FISA court, as far as the surveillance domestically and spying, and the fact that they are not actually unearthing these domestic terrorist plots.”

“I think Bobby would go in there and change a lot of that stuff. And that’s what his uncle and father were trying to do.”

Disclosure: What Would Happen if the Government Released the Truth Behind Everything?

Towards the end of the interview Carlson and Rodgers delve into the potential repercussions if the government were to disclose the truth about various topics, ranging from UFOs and the Kennedy assassination to foreign wars and the economy.

Rodgers explains how he believes that disclosure would actually bring people together to find common ground.

“If you’re making decisions based on ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’ in this case, I think there would be a ton of people actually connecting and finding common ground, because there would be a common enemy.”

Rodgers emphasizes that the disclosure of truth is crucial for the progression and advancement of humanity into the future.

“I think a lot of that needs to happen. Whether that’s in one disclosure, one fell swoop, or over the years.”

“I think in order for us to advance as a society, there has to be in this age of Aquarius, there has to be disclosure.”

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