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WHO: New Monkeypox Virus Has 10% Fatality Rate, Causes Miscarriages, and Spreads Without Sexual Contact

Is this the ‘next pandemic’ the elite have been warning about?



This article originally appeared on Infowars and was republished with permission.

Guest post by Kelen McBreen

The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning about a new strain of monkeypox spreading in Africa that could allegedly make its way to Europe and wreak havoc around the world.

The mutant variant is named clade 1b, which scientists call, “undoubtedly the most dangerous strain of mpox yet.”

Spreading throughout central Africa, mainly the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the variant allegedly “causes miscarriage and has a fatality rate of 10 percent.”

The virus is behaving “extremely” differently than prior monkeypox variants, now being transmitted between humans without sexual contact.

Additionally, doctors are worried this new strain is resulting in blisters all around the body and not just on the patient’s genital area.

The virus is being rebranded by the media this month as “mpox” as they appear ready for the illness to travel worldwide.

“Overall, 7,850 mpox cases have been reported in DRC, and 384 deaths, according to the World Health Organization – although it is unclear how many are attributed to clade 1b,” reports The Telegraph.

The leading researcher on the new strain, Leandra Maskina, said, “This is just the tip of the iceberg. The cases are getting higher and higher every day, and it’s only a question of time before it spreads to other countries.”

On Tuesday, Reuters reported South Africa recorded its third death from “mpox” in an outbreak that started in May.

The WHO’s technical lead for monkeypox recently told journalists, “There is a critical need to address the recent surge in mpox cases in Africa,” and that efforts are ongoing to get monkeypox vaccines out to central Africa.

Executives from Moderna said on Wednesday they initiated a research program to look into creating an mRNA monkeypox “vaccine.”

It’s quite interesting that expert research scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits has been warning that monkeypox viruses have been found in vaccines since the 1990s, including simian virus 40 being found in the Moderna and Pfizer Covid shots.

Watch Dr. Mikovits break down the scandal below:

In the aftermath of COVID-19, citizens across the globe have been repeatedly told the “next pandemic” is coming.

These bizarre warnings from the global elite have billions of people anxiously awaiting the next round of forced experimental jabs and totalitarian lockdowns.

Will monkeypox be the next election-interfering virus to disrupt the world?

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