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Why Isn’t the Biden Administration Doing This?

As nations own up to past errors, the Biden administration remains eerily silent.



The recent public apology by Japan’s former Minister for Internal Affairs, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, regarding the adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines, highlights a significant contrast with the Biden Administration’s approach to similar concerns. Haraguchi’s bold admission of vaccine-linked deaths and criticism of the ban on Ivermectin has sparked a conversation about government accountability and transparency. His call for policy changes and acknowledgment of alternative treatments raise critical questions: why isn’t the Biden Administration taking similar steps to address vaccine-related injuries and exploring all potential treatments?

Context and Background

On May 31, 2024, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, a former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan, publicly apologized for the deaths and injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccines during a significant protest against the World Health Organization (WHO) in Tokyo. Haraguchi’s heartfelt apology and his criticism of Japan’s ban on Ivermectin, a domestically produced drug, have garnered widespread attention and support. His speech emphasized the government’s failure to prevent vaccine injuries and highlighted his personal struggle with vaccine-related health issues, including a rapidly progressing form of cancer.

Haraguchi’s call for accountability and his criticism of the economic interests behind the vaccine rollout have resonated with many, prompting discussions about the need for transparency and policy changes. This situation in Japan raises important questions about the actions of the Biden Administration in similar contexts.

Key Points

  1. Acknowledgment of Vaccine-Related Issues:
    • Haraguchi’s public apology for vaccine-related deaths and injuries contrasts sharply with the silence or denial often observed among American authorities. This raises questions about the level of accountability and transparency in the U.S.
  2. Criticism of Ivermectin Ban:
    • Haraguchi criticized Japan’s ban on Ivermectin, suggesting it could have been an effective treatment for COVID-19. The ban, he argued, was influenced by economic interests favoring vaccines. This criticism highlights the need to explore all potential treatments, regardless of their economic implications.
  3. Personal Accountability and Transparency:
    • Haraguchi shared his personal health struggles, including a cancer diagnosis he attributed to the vaccines. This level of personal accountability is rare among American officials, who often avoid discussing potential adverse effects publicly.
  4. Economic Interests and Public Health:
    • Haraguchi’s remarks about economic interests influencing public health policies resonate with concerns in the U.S. about pharmaceutical companies’ influence on vaccine policies. This raises questions about the need for independent and transparent health policy decisions.
  5. Calls for Policy Changes:
    • Haraguchi’s speech called for policy changes and greater government accountability. In the U.S., similar calls are often met with resistance or dismissed as conspiracy theories, highlighting a need for a more open and transparent dialogue about vaccine policies.


The actions of Kazuhiro Haraguchi in Japan provide a stark contrast to the approach of the Biden Administration regarding COVID-19 vaccines and potential treatments like Ivermectin. His public apology, acknowledgment of personal health issues, and criticism of economic interests behind vaccine policies raise important questions about accountability and transparency in the U.S. It is crucial for the Biden Administration to take similar steps in addressing vaccine-related concerns and exploring all potential treatments to ensure public trust and health safety.

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