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The “Stop Trump!” Train Chugs Right Into Another Roadblock and Crashes to a Halt

Nice going, Alvin Bragg!



By Brian Cates


Just when you might have been thinking Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s election interference case against Donald J. Trump couldn’t get any dumber….?




Me, reacting to the news that the Bragg prosecution team’s ‘star witness’ just stupidly confessed under oath to stealing $30,000 from his boss, Donald J. Trump, and the Trump Organization.

Somehow I don’t think this is how Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg envisioned this trial unfolding when he was war gaming it out last year.

“Oh shit! My star witness just said WHAT on the stand under oath?!”

I mean, a year ago, the picture we were getting of the big ol’ Lawfare Train chugging inexorably down the tracks. Jack Smith looked like he was going to be a real problem, what with two significant indictments kicking off planned trials for Trump and others in two different venues, Washington, D.C., and Palm Beach, Florida.

Then you had that fat ass chick, Fani Willis, down in Atlanta, furiously riding down her own personal ‘road to Damascus’ in her pursuit of Trump for supposed RICO violations in trying to ‘overturn’ the results of the 2020 election.

Then you had New York Attorney General Letitia James tag-teaming Trump with Judge Arthur Engoron in a transparent attempt to hit Trump with massive fines and judgments to bankrupt him and directly interfere with his ability to campaign for President.

On top of that absurd defamation judgment that was handed to that crazy cat lady for a sexual assault by Trump that never happened.

[Both civil judgments are going to be overturned on appeal; I have no doubt of that because the judges and the prosecution in both of these cases stacked up quite an impressive list of reversible errors]

Bragg saw Lawfare Train loading up and wanted in on the party. So he filed this stupid indictment for false business filings that the Biden DOJ and the FEC had passed on because there was no real criminal case.

Have you got that? Even the highly partisan Biden DOJ couldn’t wargame out a way to successfully prosecute Trump for the supposed ‘hush money’ payments to a porn star.

As the Matrix News Media relentlessly played up the SERIOUS TROUBLE that Trump was supposed to be facing, people could be forgiven for thinking Trump and his associates were in some real kind of trouble here. Maybe they were actually headed to jail.


I have been extensively covering the constant derailments and roadblocks the Get Trump Lawfare Train has suffered over just the past few months:

I have been reporting that it turns out this collection of incompetent bumblers, fumblers, and staggering stumblers are not actually the crack legal eagles the Fake News spent the past couple of years telling you they were.

Be sure to get your copy of that fantastic new anti-Trump book about the ‘heroic’ Fani Willis before they are all sold out!

Take what happened in the stupid ‘hush money’ trial, which is still underway this week in New York City.

For those who didn’t get the memo about what happened in the trial today:

Cohen admitted on the stand, under oath, that:

1. he stole $30,000 from the Trump Organization


2. He would lie to the jury about some things. Even under oath. For example, in this trial currently underway,

Blanche: Did you mean it when you said revenge is a cold dish best served?

Cohen: Yes, sir.

Blanche: You were willing to lie under oath if it affects your personal life, correct?

Cohen: I don’t understand your question.

Blanche: You testified under oath months ago that you were willing to lie if it affects your personal life, correct?

Cohen: Yes, sir.

Blanche: So I’m asking the same question to you now: would you still be willing to lie if it affects your personal life?

Bragg prosecutor: Objection!

Merchan: Objection sustained.

Blanche: Would you be willing to lie if it affects you personally?

Cohen: Yes, sir.

Note that even the corrupt Judge Juan Merchan presiding over this nonsense case couldn’t intervene successfully to save Cohen from himself.

Cohen was also very forthright about how he’s **still** trying to monetize his past association with Donald Trump:

Blanche: How long have you been working with your colleague to pitch your proposed reality show “The Fixer”?

Cohen: About three months.

Blanche: And you’re working on a third book?

Cohen: Correct.

Blanche: Are you also considering a run for Congress?

Cohen: Correct.

Blanche: You have said that you would make a great candidate for Congress because of your name recognition?

Cohen: That’s correct.

Blanche: And your name recognition is based primarily on your attacks on President Trump.

Cohen: My name recognition is based on my life journey.

Blanche: And a large part of your life journey includes daily attacks on President Trump, correct?

Cohen: Sure.

Blanche: The answer is yes or no. You have dedicated a significant part of your podcasts and books to attacking President Trump daily, correct?

Cohen: Correct.

Blanche: So that would comprise a large part of your life journey, correct?

Cohen: Correct.

Law professor Johnathan Turley was in the courtroom for Cohen’s testimony today and summed up on his X account just how stunningly bad Cohen’s admissions were:

The most fun part of Cohen’s continued self-immolation on the stand is watching people like this asshole on NBC News, Lawrence O’Dumbass, angrily insisting criminal embezzlement from the company you work for is sometimes justified:

Michael Cohen gets on the stand and does Michael-Cohen-type stuff, and now the Fake News has to act all shocked and surprised. 😂😂😂

Thanks to Cohen’s testimony today, I’m now going to have to update this meme I created a while back:

“I’m totally telling the truth under oath this time! I swear! MAYBE!” 😬

One thing this entire stupid trial hasn’t been is boring. I can’t wait to see what developments happen later this week.

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