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European Elections See Dramatic Shift to the Right Across Entire Continent

The biggest defeat for the globalist establishment came in France. Another devastating blow to the left came in Germany.



This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission.

As the results of the European parliamentary elections are tabulated, a shift toward right and center-right parties is being seen across the continent.

The biggest defeat for the globalist establishment is in France, where Macron’s Renaissance Party suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally which won in a landslide. The stunning defeat forced French President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve parliament and call snap elections. Much like Brexit in 2016, this could be a harbinger of things to come in the United States this fall.

Another devastating blow to the left came in Germany where Prime Minister Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party suffered a humiliating defeat, coming in third behind the center-right Christian Democratic Union and the patriotic party Alternative for Germany, which finished second for the first time. Sholz’s ruling partner, the Greens suffered a devastating collapse due to the rise in energy prices following the invasion of Ukraine, their support of the war, and their role in an unpopular Scholz government.

Austria also saw huge gains for the right as for the first time ever, the Freedom Party (FPO) finished first in the voting. The Freedom Party, led by Harald Vilimsky, opposed EU immigration policy, as well as the war in Ukraine, advocating for a peaceful settlement to the crisis.

The right also made significant gains in the Netherlands where Geert Wilder’s Freedom Party made a strong showing. Italy also remained firmly on the right with Georgia Meloni’s party winning a decisive victory.

The main success of the globalist left came in Romania, which has been completely corrupted and purchased by globalist interests. The ruling coalition of the Social Democratic Party (PSD, the successor of the Romanian Communist Party) and their allies the National Liberal Party (PNL) won a convincing victory. The right wing opposition party, the Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) finished a disappointing second with only 14% of the vote. Romania saw a record turnout for European Parliamentary elections with over 50% of the population voting.

Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz Party won elections handily in Hungary, but with few votes than in previous elections. Péter Magyar’s Tisza Party, a new political formation, finished a distant second. Magyar’s party was born out of Fidesz and is considered center-right.

The victory of patriotic parties on the right will help stall the globalist agenda on issues such as immigration and climate change, but it is unlikely to result in an actual ruling coalition of the right as the issue of the war in Ukraine deeply divides those on the right. The globalist center-right parties are likely to betray their voters and seek some sort of coalition with leftist groups to keep the corrupt Ursula Von der Leyen in power.

Copyright 2024 Creative Destruction Media

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