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Gettin’ HARD Out There For Trump Doomers

Both anti-Trump and pro-Trump doomers are struggling to accept what’s happening.



By Brian Cates

It’s getting harder than ever for the doomers on both sides these days.

Ah, you’re probably asking yourself what a ‘doomer’ is.

A doomer holds as an indisputable truth that Donald J. Trump is doomed. Nothing can save him.

No matter how many twists and turns to the Teflon Don story as it unfolds, in the end, Trump is destroyed and gone and finished.

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The curious thing about doomers, is that they exist on BOTH SIDES of the national consensus about President Trump.

There are doomers who hate Trump, call him a dictator, the New Hitler, and worse, who lust to see him utterly defeated and destroyed and hopefully imprisoned for the rest of his life. They insist upon the Trump Story having but one ending: his being denied a second term as US President, hopefully, because he’s sitting in a jail cell somewhere by this November.

But did you know there are also doomers on the other side? On the pro-Trump side?

It’s true.

These are people who have been pro-Trump for years, loudly align themselves with Trump and MAGA, and proudly insist they would vote for him again if the opportunity should arise.

But they will tell you they honestly expect they won’t get that chance. The lawfare is just too much.

And should the lawfare fail – as it apparently is failing – these people are quick to remind us that under no circumstances whatsoever will Trump be allowed to win the 2024 election. So it just means something else will be used to stop Trump from winning. They will tell you Trump winning is an actual IMPOSSIBILITY that will NEVER be allowed to happen. It’s as axiomatic as a natural law or something.

Pro-Trump Doomers Are Especially Infuriating

It’s a strange situation. I spent all day yesterday watching the doomers on both sides shift their goalposts in response to the 9-0 Supreme Court decision that ended several states’ attempts to remove Donald Trump from their primary and general election ballots.

The doomers on the anti-Trump side immediately began blustering about the US Congress passing a new law barring Trump from the ballots in all the states for this November’s Presidential election.

Meanwhile, the doomers on the pro-Trump side also wrung their hands in despair. They dismissed the SCOTUS ruling as irrelevant since it only meant the Deep State now has to find another way to stop Trump and/or prevent the election from happening, along with various wailings about the possible assassination of their candidate.

No news is good news for the pro-Trump doomers, as they are convinced every ‘win’ is just more crafty positioning for The Ultimate Rug Pull that is coming any minute now.

They honestly do not expect to ever see Trump being sworn in again. The forces arrayed against him – and them – are just too implacable, unstoppable, and unbeatable.

I have to be honest here about just how much I can’t stand the pro-Trump doomers. They really do piss me off.

Here we are in the midst of an epic fight for the soul of our country…and I keep having to listen to people who are forecasting we’ve already lost this fight.

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I am not talking here about people who are venting out of frustration. That’s different.

What I’m talking about are major influencers and media personalities who insist on trying to convince those in their orbit that we are all engaged in the most futile of efforts as we enthusiastically support a doomed man who will never be allowed to win the White House again.

At this point, I’m really not sure what pro-Trump influencers think they’re accomplishing by engaging in this kind of regular doomerism.

“Wake up and realize we’ve already lost, we’re doomed, and so is Donald J. Trump!” is not the ringing rallying cry some seem to think it is.

“Be sure to come out and vote for me in November because I’m doomed, & I’m an idiot, & I just can’t get it through my fat thick head that they will NEVER let me win!”

Is Trump just that clueless? Like, the guy has yet to learn of the deck stacked against him? Is he going to be just as helpless to keep them from stealing it from him again, in a repeat of 2020? He’s just that dumb to be putting himself through all of this for nothing? He can’t see what’s coming, but the doomers can?

Trump seems to think he can build a sizable enough voting base to make it ‘Too Big To Rig’ and take it to the polls on November 5.

Is he wrong about that? Or is he just….missing something?

There is talk that ‘they’ won’t let the American people have an election this November. There’s intense speculation about this. But that’s ALL IT IS. Speculation. Rumor-mongering. Talking heads chattering on TV screens. You can’t base any current strategy on it.

So, based on speculation about what ‘they’ might do, Trump should…what? Stop what he’s doing? Stop the relentless, energetic, and enthusiastic campaigning? Pack it in and give up? Just admit they will never let him win, that he’s been wasting his time and money, and going home to Mar A Lago and living out his days wondering what might have been?

This is all absurd.

Doomerism is ABSURD.

It has no place in the patriot ranks.

With the 9-0 Supreme Court ruling laying to rest any chance the states will be able to remove Trump from the ballot, the pieces are moving on the board to where they’ve always been headed: at present, they’re setting a Trump vs Biden rematch.

Now, I understand many political commentators fully expect to see some masterful Machiavellian switcheroo at the last minute, very likely before or just after the DNC in Chicago this summer.

There’s this narrative out there about just how clever, sharp, and godlike the Deep State is in its machinations and plans. Listen, I’ve been covering these people for a number of years now. You really should quit ascribing powers to them that they don’t have. It’s bad form.

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Quit telling yourselves these people are smarter than you. They’re not.

Far from being some checkmate-like Machiavellian move, any swapping out of Biden will instead be a fumbling, bumbling, desperation-sweat-covered farce of historic proportions.

At this point, who will ride in on the white charger to ‘save’ the Presidency for the Democrats if Joe is removed from the picture? It would have to be someone they could PLAUSIBLY steal the election for. Someone who could make it close enough to steal.

Now, true. TWO YEARS AGO, they **might** have had their eye on Gavin Newsome. But given the current lay of the land? There **IS** nobody that could be dropped in at the last minute for a cool new election theft. Nobody who could make it plausible. That ship sailed long ago.

It doesn’t really matter at this point if they swap Biden out or not. That’s how desperate the situation is.

And despite Rep. Jamie Raskin [D-Dingbat] going on TV and confidently blathering about Congress passing a bill to bar Trump from being on the ballot this November, all that is is hot air.

The Supreme Court noted in its ruling in the Colorado case that Trump has neither been charged nor convicted of insurrection. Therefore, even had the state had the jurisdiction to bar him from the ballot, they would have had to SHOW THE COURT the charges or the conviction to keep him off the ballot.

The same thing would apply to any law passed by Congress barring Trump from the ballot in November. The first thing the Supreme Court would look at would be if Trump had ever been charged with insurrection and then subsequently convicted and found guilty of the charge.

Congress is not a law investigation or enforcement body. It cannot charge anyone with a crime nor convict them of a crime.

So even on the very dicey chance such a law could be passed in the House and then pass a vote in the Senate, it would immediately be appealed to the SCOTUS and voided for being unconstitutional.

Trump has the upper hand right now.

It’s OK all you pro-Trump doomers out there. You can admit it. We all see it. 🙂

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