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Navigating the Shadows: The Secret War Against American Values | Part 1



I was in an accident last week. Because of the accident I have spent several days laying in a bed recuperating. During this ordeal, I have had plenty of time to think. Oddly, I have been considering the Pledge of Allegiance, and how it has disappeared from our schools. This lead me from topic to topic as my mind extrapolated different moments in time and events into this very Op-Ed. I hope you find it informative and it sparks you to consider the weight of what is happening to our country.

The Beginning: Yuri Bezmenov

The attacks on America started quietly within small groups of academia. Marxist and communist agents/activists started out small in the social sciences. Teaching Critical Theory masked inside their curriculum. They slowly began attacking our language, laying the seeds of political correctness. As well as, altering definitions and sowing confusion among the future leaders of our country.

We received our first warning of what was happening from a man named, Yuri Bezmenov. Bezmenov was a former KGB operative who defected to the West in the 1970s. After his defection, he took on the name Tomas David Schuman and became known for his public speaking and writing on the subject of Soviet tactics of subversion. Bezmenov provided a detailed account of the KGB’s methods for subverting societies through ideological subversion, which he described as a slow process aimed at demoralizing and destabilizing enemy states from within, without the need for direct military action. His lectures and interviews, particularly a notable interview conducted in the 1980s, have been widely circulated and referenced for insights into the techniques used by the Soviet Union to influence and undermine Western societies.

EX-KGB Agent: Yuri Bezmenov

The 4 Techniques of Ideological Subversion: Active Measures

According to Bezmenov, this process is a long-term strategy divided into four stages, designed to weaken and destabilize a nation from within, making it vulnerable to control or influence without resorting to military confrontation. The stages are:

  1. Demoralization: This initial phase involves the gradual undermining of a nation’s cultural values, integrity, and unity, lasting over a period of 15-20 years, which Bezmenov noted as the minimum amount of time required to educate one generation of students in the target country. The demoralization process focuses on influencing the cultural, religious, and educational institutions, distorting historical narratives, and promoting a negative view of the nation’s history and heritage. The aim is to erode citizens’ faith in their country, its government, and each other.
  2. Destabilization: In the second stage, the focus shifts to destabilizing the nation’s economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. This involves promoting social unrest and creating divisions within the society, encouraging opposition to the government, and exploiting problems like economic disparities and racial tensions. The goal of destabilization is to create an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear, making it easier to manipulate public opinion and government policy.
  3. Crisis: The crisis phase involves the creation of a situation that leads to a significant change in power or structure within the target nation. This could be a violent change, such as a revolution or coup, or it could manifest as a significant political shift that aligns the country more closely with the ideology of the subverter. The crisis is designed to bring about a level of chaos and disorder that demands a resolution, which the subverter can provide or influence.
  4. Normalization: The final stage, normalization, occurs after a new government is in place or significant policy changes have been enacted that align with the subverter’s goals. This phase is characterized by the stabilization of the society under the new conditions, with the subverter’s influence deeply embedded in the nation’s institutions and policies. The term “normalization” is used ironically, as it refers to the acceptance of a new status quo that is fundamentally altered and controlled by external forces.

Bezmenov emphasized that the success of these techniques relies on the subverter’s ability to operate covertly and manipulate the target society’s perceptions and beliefs over an extended period. The ultimate objective is to weaken the target from within, making it incapable of resisting annexation or control by the subverter. It’s important to note that while Bezmenov’s descriptions provide insight into Cold War-era tactics, the concepts of ideological subversion and active measures have broader applications and can be observed in various forms of international relations and geopolitical strategies beyond the context of the Soviet Union.

Now, you can argue that there is no possible way that the crumbling Soviet Union could pull off such a wide scale subversion of our country. In fact, I would probably agree with you. Even though, our history over the past 40 years, certainly reflects many of the goals of the program that Bezmenov described. We have certainly seen the effects of stage 1 & 2 of Ideological Subversion become quite successful. The demoralization and destabilization of America is in full effect. Some may even argue that COVID-19 (Which began in Soviet China) is the perfect example of stage 3, Crisis. It weakened the Trump Administration enough that Joe Biden was able to some to power and begin stage 4, Normalization…

Fighting Back: Is it too Late?

topless man wearing black boxing gloves
Photo by Katerina Kerdi on Unsplash

Fighting back against ideological subversion, especially in the normalization phase, requires us to make an effort. This phase is marked by the widespread acceptance of altered cultural and political norms, making resistance more complex but not impossible. Patriots have to do more than just write a tweet or complain on social media. We have to do MORE! Here are several strategies that can be employed to counteract this subversion:

  1. Education and Awareness: Educate the public about the tactics and stages of ideological subversion. Awareness is a powerful tool. By understanding the methods used to manipulate societal norms and values, individuals and communities can become more resistant to such influences. This includes promoting critical thinking skills and teaching the history of subversive tactics in schools and through media.
  2. Reaffirm National Values: Emphasize and reinforce the foundational values and principles that define the nation. This can involve a renewed focus on national history, cultural heritage, and the core values that unite the society. Celebrating the achievements and positive aspects of a nation’s history can help rebuild a sense of pride and unity.
  3. Strengthening Institutions: Work towards the integrity and independence of key institutions, including the educational system, the press, and the judiciary. Ensuring these institutions function without undue influence is crucial for maintaining a society’s resilience against subversion. Encouraging transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct within these institutions can help restore public trust.
  4. Promote Open and Free Dialogue: Encourage open discussions and the free exchange of ideas. A healthy society can debate and discuss different viewpoints without resorting to censorship or suppression. Creating platforms for dialogue helps to prevent the monopolization of the narrative by any single group or ideology.
  5. Enhance Social Cohesion: Work on bridging divides within society by promoting inclusivity and understanding among different social, ethnic, and political groups. Activities that bring communities together, foster mutual respect, and emphasize common goals can counteract efforts to destabilize society.
  6. Cybersecurity and Information Integrity: In the digital age, much of the subversive activity takes place online. Strengthening cybersecurity measures and promoting digital literacy can help protect against misinformation and foreign influence operations. Supporting independent and fact-based journalism is also crucial in this regard.
  7. Engage in Counter-Subversion: Identify and expose foreign influence operations and propaganda efforts. This can be done through intelligence and counterintelligence efforts, as well as through public diplomacy that counters false narratives with truth and factual information.
  8. Policy and Legislation: Implement policies and legislation that protect against foreign interference in domestic affairs. This includes laws that regulate foreign funding of political campaigns, lobbying efforts, and media operations.

All of these strategies must be a ground up movement. We can not rely on political leaders to take this on. At least not until they recognize the power of the movement. We have, at least, 40 years of subversion and programming to dismantle. It will not be an easy or short process, but it must start immediately if we hope to save this country.


This war has been active for decades with no opposition. We can’t afford to ignore it any longer. At this point, it doesn’t even need to be maintained by those who created it. Each year, more and more people are being indoctrinated by others who were indoctrinated before them. There isn’t some cabal of men in a dark lit room controlling this. It is a many-headed hydra that has to be battled with the truth. Now that you have read this article, you can’t claim ignorance anymore. I try to maintain a balanced perspective in my writing, but on this topic I can not. We stand in the breach here and now. Will you fight or falter? The choice is yours.

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