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‘Strange’ Details Surface Surrounding Dr. Joseph Mercola

Actor Rob Schneider is Now Demanding Answers.



Rob Schneider has publicly expressed his concern for Dr. Joseph Mercola, following revelations that Mercola is making significant business and personal decisions based on guidance from a psychic advisor. Mercola, known for his controversial health practices, has begun consulting with a man named Kai Clay,(Christopher Johnson) who allegedly channels a high vibrational being from the “causal” plane named Bahlon. Sources say that Kai, aka Christopher claims to be the second coming of Christ as well.

In a recent tweet, Schneider shared that he had reached out to Mercola but received no response. He highlighted his worry over Mercola’s reliance on this psychic guidance, which has already led to the dismissal of several top executives and plans for a series of books based on these consultations. Schneider’s alarm stems from his belief that Mercola might be under undue influence, urging followers to verify Mercola’s well-being and questioning the legitimacy of the psychic advisor.

Background on Mercola’s Recent Actions

Mercola’s recent actions include firing his CEO, Chief Business Officer, and Chief Editor, decisions reportedly influenced by Bahlon’s guidance. Natural Products Insider revealed Mercola’s plans to introduce Bahlon to his followers, blending spiritual advice with his health business.

Further compounding concerns about Dr. Mercola’s behavior are his recent claims of being “de-banked.” Late last year, Mercola publicly stated that major banks had terminated their business relationships with him, he attributed it to his controversial views and financial pressure from powerful entities opposing his work. Yet, a day later he was supposedly re-banked? Why would Mercola be targeted for losing his bank accounts? Then have them mysteriously reopened within 24 hours? Additionally, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) severed its ties with Mercola last month due to his sudden decision to defund the organization without explanation. This move has left many questioning his motives and mental state.

The NVIC expressed concerns that Mercola’s actions were influenced by his new advisor, potentially reflecting cult-like dynamics. This abrupt termination of support to NVIC, which Mercola had backed for 15 years, further underscores the erratic nature of his recent decisions.

The Charismatic Appeal of Kai Clay

Kai Clay’s Image from LinkedIN (Christopher Johnson)

To most people, trusting someone who claims to channel a high-vibration entity might seem like lunacy. However, Kai Clay’s charismatic approach, combined with techniques like Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), bias confirmation, and age-old cold reading methods, can be highly persuasive. These techniques can create a compelling illusion of insight and connection, drawing in individuals who are spiritually seeking or vulnerable.

Reeling in the Whales

Kai Clay, much like other high-profile spiritual advisors, targets “whales”—wealthy and influential individuals looking for meaning and guidance. People in Hollywood and other high-stress, high-profile environments, often spiritually bankrupt and searching for answers, can be particularly susceptible to such influences. Dr. Mercola, with his penchant for unconventional health approaches, appears to be an ideal target for Clay’s methods.

Isolation from Challengers

Steve Rye – Former CEO (Image Source: Business Observer FL.[Reagan Rule])

A common tactic used by guru and psychic scheisters is to isolate their targets from anyone who might challenge their control. By removing trusted advisors and close associates who could question or counter their influence, these individuals ensure they maintain dominance over their subjects. This appears to be the case with Mercola, whose recent firings could be seen as a move to eliminate dissenting voices and consolidate Clay’s influence. His girlfriend at the time put out this concerning post on X, pleading for prayers for Dr. Mercola.

Public Reaction and Concerns

The public, including Schneider, has responded with skepticism and concern. Schneider’s tweet underscores the unease felt by many who worry about the potential impact on Mercola’s mental and physical health, as well as the future of his business. The charismatic allure of advisors like Kai Clay can obscure the potentially manipulative and harmful nature of their influence.


The situation raises important questions about the influence of unconventional advisors on business decisions. As Mercola prepares to share more about Bahlon with his followers, the health and wellness community watches closely to see how this will unfold. Rob Schneider’s outspoken concern highlights the need for vigilance and discernment in the face of such persuasive and potentially exploitative influences.


Bahlon’s official website

Natural Products Insider

Dr. Mercola Interview with GB News

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