Yes, really.
No one saw this coming.
What kind of 'emergency situation' is FEMA preparing for in Northern Michigan?
The floodgates are opening.
In one example, 29 votes from the SAME VOTER ID were recorded on October 25, 2024.
“Oh sh*t! Ha ha ha!" ... "We have microphones listening to everything! I didn't realize that!"
Make it make sense!
“Shame on you for blatantly lying to the public!”
This is extremely sexual and creepy.
This is a great moment.
People are finally waking up.
This changes everything.
Three key states have dug in...
This is a Matrix-like moment.
This powerful speech is going viral. Don't skip the final minute!
Remember, Biden allegedly won Michigan by 150,000 votes in 2020.
Democrats in Michigan have completely thrown off the mask now with this election-fraud-enabling legislation.
Critics, of course, have emerged.
Pfizer “anticipates” that there are no health risks to local residents. Just like with the COVID vaccine, right?
At least 53 Michigan counties have more active registered voters than citizens over 18 years old.