This changes everything.
Only 13% said the government handled COVID-19 effectively.
Let that sink in.
It’s surprising to see CNBC acknowledge this on air.
However, the grand jury found "no evidence" of criminal activity related to COVID-19 vaccines.
Pfizer and the FDA simply ‘agreed’ that permanently disabling and potentially deadly outcomes in vaccinated children were unrelated to being injected with Pfizer's mRNA technology.
This would be a game-changer.
The unthinkable is happening.
The tables have turned.
He said he’d be talking to RFK Jr. about it and will make a decision.
As part of a custody battle, the child was ordered to get vaccinated against the wishes of both parents.
The tide is turning.
The story has gone so viral that the media is actually doing its job.
Alexis was mandated to take three vaccines against her will, and now she anticipates only having a few days to live. Her dying wish is for...
The hospital refused to treat her unless she received all three vaccines at once.
Great news!
Don't miss this epic presentation!
The number of children starting school with vaccination exemptions has more than DOUBLED in recent years.
The CDC doesn’t want you to hear this conversation.
The unthinkable is already happening.
What could possibly go wrong?