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The Carnivore Diet Is Growing In Popularity

This is a big problem for Big Food & its ‘experts,’ who’ve been misleading the American public for decades about what’s caused the growing diabesity crisis.



By Brian Cates

I follow Dr. Shawn Baker on X/Twitter because he is not only one of the most knowledgeable proponents of the Carnivore Diet, but he’s also often pretty damn funny and entertaining in how he advocates for Carnivore in videos like this one, and this one, oh and like this one too.

Today, Dr. Baker posted a thought-provoking video in which he discussed one of the common criticisms of the Carnivore Diet: that it may initially ‘look healthy,’ but the diet only ‘masks the symptoms of chronic illnesses and diseases’, so it fools the people who practice it into thinking they are ‘getting healthier’ when they’re not.

Watching that video sure provoked a lot of thought on my part because I sat down and fired off this response on X/Twitter after watching it:

Dr. Baker, we just went through a pandemic where people mindlessly trusted their governmental & medical authority figures and ended up:

1. Wearing useless paper masks

2. Closing down their businesses & schools & churches

3. Got experimental shots without an informed consent

4. Breaking ties with family/friends who wouldn’t follow the counsel of the experts to do #1-3 listed above

It’s a painful fact a large segment of our society is still at this point geared toward believing whatever their medical authority figures tell them to think about food, cholesterol, what causes diabetes & insulin resistance, and what causes cardiovascular disease.

And so when they’re told by many of these experts who got everything about the pandemic wrong that a Carnivore Diet will harm someone, they don’t question it; they accept it as a fact.

They are not aware and do not know that the Sugar industry [and very likely the Wheat, Corn, & Seed Oil industries] have been underwriting rigged ‘medical/health research studies’ since the 1960s.

In this column linked below, I wrote about the 2016 discovery of the rigged Harvard study that ‘found’ animal fat and not sugar was the cause of the rising trends of obesity, diabetes, and CVD in 1967.

The Big Food industry, which extensively and very profitably uses Sugar, Corn, Wheat, and seed Oil in almost all of its processed food products, has been cleverly faking the ‘science’ for decades now to point the public in the WRONG DIRECTION when the question comes up: “What in the American diet is causing the crisis epidemic of diabesity in this country?”

Big Food and its captured medical spokespersons have a **vested financial interest** in convincing people the cause is Americans eating far too much meat and animal fat. Big Food grows increasingly desperate to keep everyone looking at animal-based diets and not at their toxic food products.

This helps explain why Big Food is utilizing vegan enthusiasts to ferociously oppose the rising popularity of the Carnivore Diet.

The role of sugar, wheat, corn, and seed oil cannot be left uncovered in explaining why the Carnivore Diet works so well for so many people. There are powerful industries whose profits depend on millions of Americans remaining ignorant or misled about this issue.

From what I’ve seen since I became aware of the Carnivore/Vegan ‘civil war’ in the past few months, the big reason many of these vegan enthusiasts can’t argue effectively against Carnivore is that all propaganda relies on emotional appeals, misdirection, and appeals to authority.

Whether wittingly or not, they end up functioning as propagandists for an evil industry out to not only cover up and hide its crimes but that also fully intends to continue poisoning and sickening new generations of Americans with its crap processed foods full of sugar, wheat, corn, and seed oils.

Unfortunately for Big Food, Rockefeller Medicine, Big Pharma, and Big Government, the American public is slowly starting to wake up and educate itself about how it has been deceived and misled by the health/medical experts it once fully trusted.

That trust is going to have to be earned back. Thus far, I don’t see those medical authorities who swallowed their tongues and allowed this massive diabesity crisis to arise over the past 50 years doing much of anything to regain that crucial trust.

Instead, they’re doubling down on the Rockefeller Medicine model, pushing Ozempic as a ‘solution’ while allowing Big Food to send out their quack vegan propagandists to try to convince people eating a diet of real food is bad for them.

I believe the ‘experts’ have chosen…poorly by doing that.

By the way, I’d encourage you to follow Dr. Baker on X/Twitter.

Oh, and me, too, if you’re not already doing so. 🙂

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