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Trump Keeps Goading the Deep State Into Coming Even Further Out Into the Open

And the more the Deep State exposes itself, the STRONGER Trump gets…



By Brian Cates

From many of the comments I’ve seen in the news broadcasts and from commentators on social media following Donald J. Trump being convicted in his latest New York City Commie Marxist Scum show trial, many people still can’t accurately see what Trump has been trolling the Deep State into doing since he came down that golden escalator nine years ago in 2015.

Remember how I got my start as a reporter back in 2017/2018? Writing long threads on my Twitter account, then as a columnist for The Epoch Times?

It wasn’t THAT long ago that the Deep State had plausible deniability for its corruption. How do I know that?

Because independent citizen journalists like Tracy Beanz, Lee Smith, Techno Fog, Galactic Red Pill, ClimateAudit, and a dozen others who were instrumental in covering the SpyGate scandal from the earliest days and I were loudly and roundly dismissed as ‘conspiracy theorists’ by almost the entire world for our coverage of the biggest political scandal since Watergate.

Recall when Trump was claimed by every top new organization to be lying his ass off about the outgoing Obama administration spying on his 2016 presidential campaign?

That it was an absurd right-wing conspiracy theory that the rival Hillary Clinton campaign had created a fake Trump scandal by paying political operatives at Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, and Orbis Business Intelligence to create a bogus dossier that was proffered to news media outlets and federal law enforcement as ‘proof’ Trump and several of his close associates were Russian agents of the Putin government in Moscow?

And that despite knowing the Steele Dossier was fake, these ‘news media outlets’ and federal law enforcement agents at the FBI not only took the dossier and made use of it to advance claims against Trump, they were simultaneously defending the honor of the Clinton campaign against people like me, who were publishing the actual evidence of the matter.

What a difference 8 years can make. And an official Durham report, which Trump really will have in his back pocket when he returns to the White House.

All during Trump’s first four-year presidency, then during his second run for the Oval Office, we’ve watched the Deep State engage in increasingly desperate and overt actions to try to get rid of him and his MAGA movement.

They can’t deny it any longer that all of these American institutions the Deep State has control of are undeniably corrupt to an unbelievable level. How could they, given what they’ve shown to the American people with one show trial after another, one politically motivated prosecution after another?

So understand this: 8 or 9 years ago, as the Deep State operatives were doing their Deep State shenanigans targeting Trump and the movement he was leading, these people could play coy about what they were doing; they could loudly and roundly DENY they were corrupt, or that they were doing anything illegal or unconstitutional.

They used to have enough cover to do that.

But they’ve been losing that cover for going on eight years now.

They can’t play coy any longer. They can certainly TRY to put on a brave face and sound confident when they continue to claim these institutions being used to relentlessly and ferociously pursue THAT INFURIATING MAN are not doing anything illegal or unconstitutional, that any corruption the public thinks it’s seeing is only imaginary. But how much of the public would still BUY that false narrative at this point?

Although some can’t see it because their anti-Trump bias blinds them to it, the Deep State’s single-minded focus on destroying Trump is instead making him more POWERFUL, more POPULAR, even making him more WEALTHY and INFLUENTIAL while their strident activity to take him out reveals so much about our corrupted institutions that no level of Fake News massaging can cover it up or spin it.

In the past, how LONG did it usually take for the Deep State to take someone out? How much time, effort, resources, blood, sweat, tears, etc., did they have to expend in order to make someone GO AWAY and STOP causing them problems?

People, they are on YEAR NINE of trying to nail this guy’s orange scalp to the wall. What’s gone wrong? Why can’t they get rid of him?

In fact, let’s ask the next relevant question: What does it mean for their power and ability to control all things that they are in year nine of failing to make Trump disappear?

What does this say about the true power and ability of their corrupt system, their compromised institutions, that after almost a decade of focusing their fury on this man, he is not only still beating them, he and his movement are GROWING and THRIVING and becoming more POWERFUL?

This latest show trial was so bad, so egregious in its naked political pursuit of Trump, that media outlets like New York Mag – hardly a bastion of moderate political thought – decided not to try to spin a narrative that Trump had committed a real crime and deserved what had just happened to him.

Instead, it published this surprising piece from a former federal and state prosecutor and top CNN legal analyst who was forthrightly honest about exactly what Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg had to illegally engineer in order to ‘get’ Trump at last.

IF the Deep State still had the full awesome, terrible powers that many ascribe to it…Trump would have been gone a long, long time ago.

You know it, I know it.

As I wrote recently, The Teflon Don has literally forced them to ‘break their Matrix’ on him and his movement. A big part of the Deep State’s power has always been its ability to CAST CONVINCING ILLUSIONS that much of the public instantly accepts as reality.

But what happens when the Deep State’s awesome illusion-casting powers are brought to bear on ONE MAN and his movement…and despite all the frantic illusion-casting that’s been going on for nine years now, that man and his movement continue to GROW, while less and less of the public are buying the new Matrix programming?

The Deep State is right now, after having furiously and blatantly engineered a literal Commie show trial for Trump in NYC, casting the illusion that Trump is now a convicted felon and, therefore, nobody should consider voting for him this November, should the election be held.

But how much of the public is going to buy into the new programming illusion? How much ‘bang’ is the Deep State going to get for all the ‘bucks’ it expended setting up this new fake narrative?

A key part of the American First movement’s exposure of the Deep State via Trump is that the Deep State has been getting ever-diminishing returns on it’s illusory investments for the past several years.

This is chiefly due to the massive censorship campaign the Deep State launched against US citizens prior to the 2020 election.

Too much of the American public has woken up to the lies – and then the mass censorship that was furiously launched – to protect all the official Big Brother lies about:

  1. The origins of the COVID-19 virus, its leaking from the Wuhan lab, and who paid for the gain-of-function experimentation going on there prior to the leak;
  2. The COVID-19 vaccines, as various proffered authorities confidently asserted many things to the public they knew not to be true: if you get the vaccine, you won’t catch the virus, spread it, or get sick from it. These authorities were all on video advancing these claims.
  3. Lies about the efficacy of masking and lockdowns, which they implemented anyway, despite knowing masks didn’t work, and lockdowns wouldn’t stop the spread.
  4. The Hunter Biden laptop story was ruthlessly suppressed by a hidden censorship regime where federal authorities were illegally making use of private NGOs to protect their official false narrative about the laptop being ‘Russian disinformation.’ This led to millions of Americans having their 1st Amendment rights violated for sharing/discussing on social media what happened to be true: that the laptop was not ‘Russian disinformation,’ had belonged to Hunter Biden, and its contents were genuine.
  5. The mass censorship centered on the 2020 election, as Americans questioning the various anomalies and irregularities, were ruthlessly censored to ‘protect’ the official position that the 2020 election was the safest and most secure in American history.

That’s just a brief sampling of all the crap the Fake News Media was shoveling at the American public in recent years on behalf of their Deep State masters.

Although some profess not to see any value at all in the declining credibility of the Deep State mouthpieces, that’s not my take. My position is that there is an incredible amount of value in forcing these shills and hacks to desperately state ever-more increasingly absurd lies and spins to their shrinking audiences.

As is becoming increasingly obvious in the days since the Trump verdict was announced, once again, the Deep State has been forced to kick the Sleeping Giant by trying to force-feed it an even more absurd lie than usual.

The response to the Trump verdict is not an anomaly. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN EXPECTED BY THIS POINT, given how the last eight years went.

That Trump’s fundraising would explode, that people you’d NEVER have thought would do so are now loudly and proudly declaring their intention to vote for him.

The Deep State hits him…and he just gets BIGGER and more POWERFUL.

Believe it or not, this kind of thing does work in our favor. Because the more absurd their lies get, the more over-the-top insane and irrational their actions become in naked political pursuit of Trump, the more people still trapped in their Matrix start to ‘snap out of it.’

Welcome, new MAGA/America First fren!


‘Tis glorious.

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