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Why Is DOJ Publicly Affirming For The First Time That The Laptop Is Real & Genuine?

I Think I Know The Answer, And Its Gonna Upset A Lot of People…



By Brian Cates

Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice finally has gotten around to publicly admitting what everybody’s known for more than three full years.

That the Hunter Biden laptop is genuine. That its not ‘Russian disinformation’.

Remember how ‘they’ crossed land and sea and went the extra mile in a blatant iron-fisted CENSORSHIP CRACKDOWN to ensure that laptop had limited, if any, impact on the 2020 stolen election?

DOJ had **three years** to cough up an admission that the laptop was genuine.

Why **now**? At this late date? Why admit the obvious at this point after obfuscating and refusing to say so for going on 3 full years since the laptop story was broken by The New York Post in October of 2020?

And why finally make this reluctant admission just as the 2024 election cycle is about to kick into high gear?

My initial take is that Garland and the DOJ is being forced into this very public admission now only because of Special Counsel David Weiss, who I suspect is getting ready to hit Hunter Biden…and several others…with federal felony charges filed in Washington DC where the laptop will a play a key role in the indictments.

First off, let me say that I have no inside sources, I don’t have anybody anonymously feeding me any information from anywhere. Unlike a lot of clout-chasing fakers, I don’t claim to have cool top-level inside sources that don’t exist.

I make my predictions as to what might happen from publicly available information.

The laptop has been publicly available information for some time now. Hell, the Marco Polo research group actually released a report on the Hunter Biden laptop contents that you can read for yourself right here.

The House Weaponization Committee’s report on what the IRS whistleblowers testified to and what evidence those whistleblowers handed over is also publicly available information

When I read over the Marco Polo report, and I read over the House Committee’s summation of what the IRS Whistleblowers had testified to and the evidence they gave to the Committee, I made a prediction. I made this prediction **after reading what the IRS whistleblowers told the House Committee**. I want to emphasize that.

The IRS whistleblowers told the House Committee on pages 80-83 of the released House Ways & Means Report that while he was yet just a mere US Attorney for Delaware, Weiss had **sought** to file federal felony charges against Hunter Biden in two districts outside of his jurisdiction in Delaware and had been denied.

Those districts were the Central District of California, and the District of Columbia [commonly referred to as “Washington, DC” for those of you in Rio Linda]

But Weiss ran headlong into a big problem when he sought to file federal felony charges against Hunter in California and Washington DC.

It turns out a US Attorney **only has jurisdiction to file indictments in his or her own district**. To seat a grand jury and file federal felony charges against someone in another US Attorney’s back yard, you have to first get that other US Attorney’s **permission to do that**. And if you don’t get permission, well golly…you’re just out of luck.

And here’s what the IRS whistleblowers told the House Committee in their sworn testimony: when Weiss politely asked the US Attorney for the Central District of California and the US Attorney for Washington DC for their permission to seat a grand jury to seek an indictment of Hunter Biden in their jurisdiction, both very strongly told Weiss NO.

Its official sworn testimony in the public record. There’s no gray area here. There’s no wiggle room.

Weiss very politely asked ‘Mother, May I?’ and both US Attorneys told Weiss in no uncertain terms “NO, you may NOT. Now go away.”

The IRS whistleblowers then went on to relate what happened next, after both US Attorneys told US Attorney Weiss to get lost. 

Weiss approached the Attorney General at the DOJ, Merrick Garland, and after informing Garland that both US Attorneys had refused to give him permission to pursue federal felony charges against Hunter in their districts, Weiss requested that Garland give him Special Counsel status so that he could file the charges against Hunter in these two districts on his own. Without getting any permission first from the US Attorneys there.

See, that’s the great thing about getting Special Counsel status. Once you are appointed a Special Counsel, all those barriers and boundaries that get in your way when you are just a mere US Attorney suddenly…disappear! Now you can file federal charges in any district, any state that you want to file them in. The US Attorney’s for those districts or states can disapprove of what you are doing, but you don’t require their permission any longer and they can’t stop you.

Awesome, right?

Well guess what happened when Weiss approached AG Garland and asked for Special Counsel status? According to the IRS whistleblower’s testimony?

Garland told Weiss to GET LOST. Absolutely NOT, was Garland going to appoint Weiss as a Special Counsel to investigate and pursue charges against Joe Biden’s son in two districts outside of his jurisdiction.

It was in the Summer of last year that it was made public that these key IRS whistleblowers had gone to the House Committee and had testified and handed over key evidence. That evidence included a ton of bank records and information about the two dozen fake LLC shell companies The Biden Crime Family had created and utilized to hide the transfer of the dirty bribe money from foreign sources to The Biden Crime Family’s bank accounts. 

Right after all this evidence went public, an amazing thing happened at the DOJ. Something truly astonishing, if you’d followed this from the very beginning, as I have.

Because of that IRS Whistleblower testimony and evidence going public, thanks to a clean House, Garland gritted his teeth and backtracked. He called Weiss in and then reluctantly…oh-so-very RELUCTANTLY…gave him the Special Counsel status he had previously requested.


I made this prediction right after Hunter’s sweetheart plea deal in Delaware federal court was blown up by the judge asking awkward questions about it, and right after newly appointed Special Counsel David Weiss unsealed several new felony gun charges against Hunter Biden in Delaware in August of last year:

At that time, I made the prediction based on everything I knew from the public record, that we would see Special Counsel Weiss file federal felony charges against Hunter Biden in two distinct locations: California and Washington DC.

Back in early December, Weiss affirmed my prediction about federal felony charges in California by unsealing an eye-opening indictment that a grand jury had returned against Hunter in the Central District of California.

That California indictment meant any Fake News or Con Inc. obfuscations about whether there were illegal foreign bribery schemes where millions of dollars changed hands from places like Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and China are now pretty much useless. When you get federally indicted for not paying your taxes on the bribery money, the issue of if there was any bribery scheme money is now a moot point.

Look, I walked you very carefully through this so you would see I did not pull the prediction about a forthcoming federal indictment of Hunter in DC out of my ass.

I’m basing the prediction on something.

While a lot of the clickbait/outrage circus ‘news’ media does the carnival barker act, I actually research things before I open my mouth. 

**If** you knew what the IRS Whistleblowers had testified to, making this prediction about Weiss unsealing federal grand jury indictments against Hunter in CA and DC was not really some weird Nostradamus act.

I felt quite confident making that prediction, actually. And since Weiss already came through on the CA part of that prediction, I’m still confident about the DC part of it. 

The DOJ is not just suddenly confirming the authenticity of the laptop because it WANTS to.

The DOJ is confirming that the laptop is genuine and the evidence on it is real because it HAS to.

And it probably won’t take that much longer for us to see why the DOJ had to do this now. I suspect they are trying to get out ahead of something.

What that something is, we’ll have to wait and see.

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