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RFK Jr.’s Unexpected Media Solution for Baby Boomers



Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. has recently shared insightful thoughts on the current media landscape and its impact on different generations, especially the Baby Boomers.

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Kennedy expressed concern over the media consumption habits of the Baby Boomer generation. He noted that this demographic, which should ideally resonate with his messages given their familiarity with the Kennedy era and Camelot, is the group he’s struggling most to connect with.

The Challenge with Mainstream Media:

Kennedy attributes this disconnect to the Baby Boomers’ reliance on traditional news sources such as ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times. He believes that these channels offer a limited perspective, suggesting that if he were solely exposed to these sources, he, too, would have a low opinion of himself. This comment highlights his perception of mainstream media as being potentially biased or narrow in its coverage.

three men laughing while looking in the laptop inside room
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Contrast with the Youth’s Media Choices:

In stark contrast, Kennedy points out that younger generations are turning to alternative sources of information. They engage with long-form interviews and podcasts, which he believes encourage critical thinking and provide a broader range of viewpoints. This diversification in media consumption allows them to escape the orthodoxies that he feels are prevalent in mainstream media.

A Call to Action:

Kennedy humorously suggests that younger individuals should encourage their parents or older family members to explore these alternative media forms. He goes as far as to say that the youth should “lock them up somewhere and make them listen to a Joe Rogan podcast.” While clearly said in jest, this statement underscores his belief in the value of exposing the older generation to a wider array of information sources.

Broader Implications:

Kennedy’s observations touch on a larger conversation about media consumption in today’s society. With the rise of independent media platforms and the increasing skepticism towards traditional news outlets, his comments reflect a growing trend of seeking information from a variety of sources.

Kennedy’s engagement with alternative media was further exemplified by his appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast in June 2023. In this in-depth, three-hour interview, he expressed his views on a wide range of topics, including vaccine safety, the influence of technology on health, and his presidential campaign. This appearance aligns with his advocacy for long-form content in media, showcasing his commitment to discussing complex issues beyond the confines of traditional news formats.


Robert Kennedy Jr.’s remarks offer an intriguing perspective on the generational divide in media consumption and its potential impact on public opinion and knowledge. His call for more diverse media engagement, particularly among Baby Boomers, is a noteworthy contribution to the ongoing dialogue about media, politics, and society.

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